Round Robin - Weighted Average and Equal Distribution - Distribution List

Modified on Mon, 12 Feb at 6:46 PM


Weighted Round Robin Algorithm

This algorithm focuses on fairness and skill-based allocation. Each team member is assigned a weight based on factors like experience, expertise, and performance. The algorithm then distributes appointments based on a weighted average, ensuring that each team member receives a proportional share of appointments based on their assigned weight. This promotes fairness and prevents situations where high-performing individuals are overburdened.

Traditional Round Robin (Equal Distribution)‍

Assigning the same weightage to all team members in round robin scheduling is the most straightforward way to achieve equal distribution of meetings. When all weights are equal, the wighted round robin algorithm essentially becomes the traditional round robin algorithm. This means that each team member receives a meeting in turn, ensuring that everyone gets an equal number of opportunities over time.

Distribution Lists

The Distribution List feature in Leadmonk allows you to set up Weighted Round Robin and Traditional Round Robin queues for assigning leads and prospects to team members. This helps in distributing leads fairly and efficiently among your team, ensuring that everyone gets a chance to work with qualified leads. 

Creating a Distribution List

1. Go to Router > Distribution List page.

2. Click on "+ Create new" button. Enter a Name for the list. Select the Team to which the list is related. Then click on "Create" button.

Meeting Allocation Limits

Meeting allocation limits allow you to control the number of meetings that users can be assigned to within a specific timeframe. This feature helps you manage meeting distribution and ensure that users are not overbooked.

The per user limit - this value specifies the maximum number of meetings that can be assigned to an individual user within a given period.

Meeting limit calculations take into account any meeting credit back settings that you have configured. This means that if a meeting is cancelled or a no-show, they may receive a credit back that can be applied towards their meeting limit.

Enabling Max Total Limit for all users

  • Navigate to the distribution list page.
  • Locate and enable the switch "Enable max total limit for all users".
  • Specify the per user limit.

Yellow Chat Bubble: When a user reaches their monthly meeting limit, a yellow chat bubble will appear next to their name in the distribution list to visually indicate that they have reached their limit. No new meetings will be allocated to this user until the period is over.

Editing a Distribution List

1. Click on "Edit" button on the Distribution List you created.

2. You can set the following options: 

  • Interval to restart the counts: Choose "Monthly" to reset the assignment count every month.

3. Lead allocation points to be added back to the user if

Enable switches for credit addition upon:

  • Lead/prospect assigned to a team member but meeting not booked (Inbound router scenario)
  • Lead/prospect cancelled the meeting
  • Lead/prospect did not show up for the meeting

Click on "Save" button once you make the changes to the distribution list.


Key elements of this scheduling algorithm

1. Round Robin:

  • Meetings are assigned to team members sequentially, ensuring everyone gets a chance to participate.
  • This eliminates bias and ensures everyone receives a fair share of opportunities.

2. Allocation % (Weights):

  • Each team member is assigned a weight, a numerical value that reflects their availability, expertise, or other relevant criteria.
  • Higher weights indicate that a team member can handle more meetings or is better suited for specific tasks.

3. Assigned:

  • This tracks the number of inbound leads assigned to each member over a specified period (e.g., a month).
  • This ensures that workload remains evenly distributed and prevents any one member from being overloaded.

4. Meeting Booked:

  • This tracks the number of meetings assigned to each member over a specified period (e.g., a month).
  • This ensures that workload remains evenly distributed and prevents any one member from being overloaded.

4. Algorithm:

  • This algorithm considers the weights and meeting counts of all team members.
  • It assigns the next meeting to the team member with the lowest weighted meeting count, ensuring that everyone receives an equal share of opportunities over the long term.

Examples of Weighting:

  • A senior salesperson with more experience might have a weight of 150%, while a newer member might have a weight of 100%.
  • A team member with limited availability due to other commitments might have a lower weight.
  • Weights can be adjusted based on changing workloads or skill sets.


How does weighted round robin work in Leadmonk?

The first step is configuring routing rules based on your company's needs. These rules determine how leads are assigned and can be customized to suit your preferences.

  • Assign weights (allocation %) to individual team members based on experience, skill level, or other relevant factors.
  • Increase the percentage weight for reps you want to receive more meetings, while keeping the weight for others at 100%.
  • Example: Steve has a weightage of 200%, and Jenny and Vihaan have 100% weightage each. With 40 meetings booked, Steve receives 20, while Jenny and Vihaan receive 10 each (2:1 ratio).
  • Assigning the same weightage to all team members in round robin scheduling is the most straightforward way to achieve equal distribution of meetings.
  • Track weight adjustments throughout your cycle to maintain desired meeting distribution.


Weighted distribution rules

  • Leadmonk prioritizes reps with fewer meetings scheduled, maximizing conversions and shortening the sales cycle.
  • If multiple reps have the same current level, Leadmonk routes based on their priority in the queue. Whoever is higher on the list will be prioritized to get the next meeting.
  • Add a credit if a meeting is marked as a no-show.
  • Add a credit if a meeting is canceled.
  • Manual Calibration: Fine-tune your credit system by manually adding or removing credits.
  • Round-robin counter resets monthly by default, ensuring all team members receive an equal share of leads over time.

How does Calibration affect the Current Level?

Current level* = Assigned + Calibration - "Meeting no-shows"* - "Meeting cancelled"*.

Meeting no-shows and Meeting cancelled may or may not factor into the current Level depending on the settings set in the distribution list. 

The lower the rep's "current level", the sooner they will be up next in the queue. The rep with the lowest current level will always be marked up next in the round robin. 

If multiple reps have the same current level, we will route based on their priority in the queue. Whoever is higher on the list will be prioritized to get the next meeting.

How to use a distribution list in the meeting queue

To create a meeting queue, you will need to:

1. Go to the Router => Meeting Queues page.

2. Click the +Create new button.

3. Go to the tab "Name and Algo". Here enter a name for your queue and select the assignment algorithm "Weighted round robin".

4. Go to the tab "Qualifying rules".

  • A qualifying rule is a condition that must be met in order for a meeting to be assigned to the queue. For example, you could create a qualifying rule that specifies that only meetings with a certain region/industry can be assigned to this queue.
  • If you want to qualify all incoming leads to this queue as qualified, then enable "Qualify all" switch. Then you don't have to define any qualification rules for this queue.
  • If you want to specify qualifying rules to pass inbound lead to this queue, then specify qualifying rules for theis queue by clicking on the button "+ Add rule". This is possible only if the "Qualify all" switch is not on.

5. Go to the tab "Routing action". 

  • Select the meeting template field: Select the meeting template relevant for this router.
  • Select team field: Select the team that will be responsible for handling meetings in the queue.
  • Then select the distribution list related to the team.
  • Once you specify all values, click "Save" to save the changes.

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